‘Dotty Ditties, Volume 5: Here Are Some More New Songs’
Individual Song Breakdowns


Individual Song Breakdowns

Everything’s Tangled (And Made to Be Broken) (drum transcription)

Whilst in New Orleans, I took in a random performance of a jazz/funk band, titularly led by a fantastic bassist. I wish that I could remember his name. His playing impressed upon me the creative use of double stops; I’m assuming as much that they were, perhaps they were more randomized dyads. At any rate, it inspired me to explore the technique and such shapes in the verse of this tune, which opens with a previously banked bass riff (another occurs at 1:23). I also had fun writing my first xylophone arrangement, although it wasn’t quite as fun readapting the parts once I actually sat (stood) with the instrument and attempted to play them, hah.

Lyrically—this may sound funny or seem ridiculous—this started as a vehicle for criticizing the wholly shoddy nature of Apple’s cabling for their products, but cloaked in metaphors. Well, I ran out of steam with that and opted instead for hurling general criticisms at social media, thus the “how in the hell did I end up here?” line. The chorus is an admixture of both concepts.

Encased in white
Lying there, all threadbare
The surge of new
Bifurcated for the static
Befrayed despite
You’re molded to be pragmatic
The sham’s see-through
And yet you have fanatics
Everything’s tangled and made to be broken
I don’t like to be outspoken
How in the hell did I end up here
The sentient sprites
Generated, adulated
Crude shock of new
Coruscated with the static
It’s feigned downright
Chromatic, upload somatic
The sham’s see-through
Does the problem lie within you
Cheap looks
This pageantry makes my brain cook
Everything’s tangled and made to be broken
I don’t like to be outspoken
Everything’s broken and made to be tangled
I don’t like my psyche mangled

Arrow Slit (drum transcription, e-drum transcription)

More banked bass riffs in this one, including the sexy intro. Took a shot at writing some busy e-drums for rhythmic accompaniment. Lyrically, this is ultimately about taking a chance, risking it and going through “the arrow slit” to see what comes out at the other end. However, it’s also fed through the filter of a doomed relationship. Funny side note, the “why must you congregate around so much shit” line came from observing my dogs outside.

I just love when you hate me
Why don’t you, why don’t you
I just love when you blame me
Why don’t you, why can’t you just leave
So you’ve got all the schemes
Chimeric possibilities
Inured, you take the flit
Into the arrow slit
Why must you, you congregate
Around so much shit
What one thinks finds expression in words, what one says happens
This bloodless velleity is bound to color you
I’ll do everything in my power to not hurt you
Oh yeah, onward
And you vituperate while you protuberate
Captious palaver bores
Oh look, there’s the door
My mind defaults to blank
I relinquo
So you’ve got all the schemes
Chimeric possibilities
Crawling up from the pit
Beckoned inside the arrow slit
Why must you, you congregate
Around so much shit
What one thinks finds expression in words, what one says happens
This bloodless velleity is bound to color you
I’ll do everything in my power except to love you

Frolicking in the Lava (drum transcription)

At some point between DD4 and DD5, I had purchased a 7-string guitar with a tremolo bar. I set out to write something heavy, dense, complex, and weird, utilizing said axe and knowing I’d end up sample-programming most of it. I also wanted to incorporate Mary and Ben, to really challenge them and also extend an opportunity to Ben to take a solo and maybe have a bit of fun for once, hah. He did somewhere around 13 takes, and I comped it, using little bits from almost every take. He later re-learned the comped solo and shot a little video of him for inclusion in the EP stream. Awesome!

I didn’t try using a scale or have a tonal center in mind to inform the composition; I merely randomly decided to use every note except B and C#. The bass parts were pretty nightmarish for me to track. And the outro is like a big polyrhythmic unison, with the piano and sax following every other kick drum (quintuplets), the vocals and bass locked with the non-kick-drum orchestrations (triplets), and the eventual entrance of a clean guitar playing an unbroken string of 8th-note triplets. The whole section in 17-8 at 1:24 is one of my favorite moments in the entire EP.

I had the opening lyric, then continued to write stream-of-consciousness-ly: just let my mind go wild with pithy poetry, witticisms, and 50-cent college words. Even while possessing the advantage of being the author, I’m not certain what this is about. It’s a dizzying peek into my subconscious, a swirl of conjecture, ridicule, and paranoia.

Those who cannot laugh at themselves
Are doomed for failure, failure
In this culture of hyperreal
I gaze into a melting star
Null my weal
What are we other than
An accretion of thoughts and experience
Answer that
My own integument is purulent
Surely I am in this state, chrysalis
I am a tantalus, view my insides
Askance, turn away and traduce and divide
My own integument is purulent
Surely I am in this state, chrysalis
I am a tantalus, view my insides
Are we simpatico
My own imago
I know someone who knows you
I know someone who knows you
Artificer, artificer, artificer clue
Take the shortcut ‘round the back
Haul the carcass in the truck
I know someone, I know someone
I know someone you fucked
Black tempest, stochastic
Inviolable, elastic
Our last days lay in waste
Knavish face vitiates
Endless descent
Such a frisson
Those who cannot
Laugh at themselves
They are doomed
Are doomed for failure

Megalopsychia (drum transcription, percussion overdub transcription)

Sometimes I use one of those “musical key characteristics/moods” charts to inform a section or an entire composition. If memory serves, I wanted to incorporate the xylophone and santoor with sparse overall instrumentation, and try and craft a sad song, picking an apt key. However, I believe I jotted down a note erroneously, hah, but once discovered, continued to pursue the endeavor. There’s a key change to illustrate the bridge, which includes a muted piano (great job, Mary!). I also wanted a big climax/outro, omitting the melodic percussive elements and adding electric guitars, synths, and huge drums; the quick triplet guitar stabs mimic the santoor melodies in the first chorus. I think this song is a bit of a departure for me, and I feel good about how it turned out.

All of my life
I learned to despise your kind
Now I know
You tried hard, your best
But your best wasn’t quite good enough
Forgive, I forgave you
I won’t, I won’t gloze over the past
I don’t miss you at all
My bones, in them I know you’re home
Sleep now
Contempt filled my chest
It was aimless
A cycle of the past
My own nook, tenterhooks
So irascible
I’ve come to determine that my
Life is multivalent, an imposition
Or was I a picayune to you
Strive to be anodyne
Unknowingly it was internecine
All of my life
I learned to despise your kind
But I
Forgive, I forgave you
I won’t, I won’t gloze over the past
I don’t miss you at all
My bones, in them you’re at home
In them you’re at home
I won’t gloze over the past
Sleep now

17 Jinns (drum transcription, e-drum transcription)

Had to bring the brutal—for 47 seconds, at least. Hey, that’s a lot of information in under a minute! As has usually been the case, the EP sequence was arranged as per written, starting with “Everything’s Tangled…” on 22NOV22 and ending with this tune on 30NOV22. Special thanks to my pal and perennial helping hand, Gabriel Riccio: throughout all of the Ditties, I’ve sent him mixes for vocal review, and any possible touch-ups. Happy to report that none were needed this time around, yay! Thank you for reading.

Goddamn this fucking paradigm
Too stupid to realize
Loiter at the gates of hell
Minuet with a bombshell
Drowning, burning, flailing
Repine for your bloodline
If you could, would you reconsider
Little lickspittle
Your telos is charred

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